Preflight duties of Cabin Crew?

Muqaddas Angela
5 min readFeb 5, 2022


Duties of Cabin crew
Cabin Crew Duties

Cabin crew are an essential part of any airline. They perform a variety of different roles and can be responsible for carrying your bags, ensuring the aircraft is stocked with food and drinks, greeting customers, assisting with boarding and assisting with catering, cleaning, cabin maintenance and a few more things!

Prior to takeoff, before each flight, a cabin crew member must go through a pre-flight safety briefing. Many airlines have cabin crews who go through the same type of briefing, while the crew on some flights must also complete a specialized briefing to address their particular area of expertise, such as medical emergencies or flight rules.

Some safety briefings include an initial walk-through of the aircraft, the pre-flight cockpit walk-around, and a review of the safety-critical instruments. The cabin crew member is responsible for the safety briefing of their passengers. In some cases, the cabin crew may also be the pilot or other flight crew member on board.

The crew member who performs the briefing prepares the cockpit, or a cabin, by cleaning and organizing any equipment that is located in the cabin. They then must ensure that any potential hazards are properly addressed.

For example, if the cabin is pressurized, the crew member may move the hand baggage, if there are any, to one side, as moving it to the opposite side could trigger a depressurization. They also may ensure that any emergency supplies are properly set up for use.

They might move seats, adjust monitors, and clear any obstructions from a camera. While they perform the duties on board, they have to be aware of any issues that could cause problems. This includes any problems with the engine or the controls of the aircraft. They should also make sure they are familiar with any problems on the flight, such as an in-flight emergency that may have disrupted the airline’s route.

The briefing also covers the passengers’ needs, such as any special requests or requests for food. Many airlines have specific cabin crew training programs that focus on some aspect of flight safety, such as medical emergencies, flight safety, or a particular group of passengers. Other airlines, such as Virgin Atlantic, have a formal training program that covers emergency procedures, medical emergencies, and passenger comfort.

Preflight checklist The preflight checklist involves the actions and responsibilities of the flight crew, both of the pilot and co-pilot, onboard an aircraft. It is a list of things that needs to be done before takeoff or departure to prepare the aircraft for flight. Each airline has its own preflight checklist which includes duties for the pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer, flight attendants and any other flight crewmembers.

The checklist also has some items that are required by law in the U.S. Prior to takeoff, the flight attendant may also complete a pre-flight safety checklist on board the aircraft.

Some flight attendants check for and notify passengers that there is air conditioning in the aircraft, and make sure the emergency exit lights are functional. Some attendants will also check the temperature of the crew’s meals and provide a first aid kit. A major function of the flight attendant is to prepare passengers for take-off.

Many airlines assign them to one of four flights: the first flight that boards the aircraft, the last flight that is seated, the last flight that has cabin crew (typically the flight with the longest queue) and the flight crew’s rest.

The flight attendant’s role during this time, prior to taking off, is to ensure that the passengers are ready, that the aircraft is properly cleared for takeoff, that the aircraft is ready for the passengers and that there are no emergency items on board.

During the preflight and checklists, the flight attendants are also responsible for distributing the meals. This includes the drinks, the hot meals, the snacks, and all of the alcoholic drinks (wine, champagne and beer). Some airlines provide the flight attendant’s meals with the flight free of charge, while others charge them a small fee.

In some cases, the flight attendants are also given snacks, although in smaller numbers, depending on the airline. Some airlines allow their flight attendants to bring personal items and other items with them for the flight, such as a favourite mug. When possible, airlines try to allow these items to be brought on board in the cabin crew’s first bag, which is not a carry-on item. Other airlines don’t allow personal items on board at all.

Preflight Duties of Cabin Crew

The flight attendant might also carry out a variety of duties during the flight, depending on the requirements of the airline and of the passengers. For example, if an airport is remote, the flight attendants might have to perform the duties of an air hostess, handling requests for entertainment, ordering drinks, clearing smoke and dealing with other matters. In most cases, flight attendants take turns at the controls during the flight.

The flight attendant is also responsible for supervising passengers when they are not seated on the flight. They may have to assist the passengers with personal needs, such as luggage or seat, when needed. While the flight attendant may be doing the preflight checklist, the crew, including the pilots, must begin to ready the aircraft.

Most airlines, but some smaller ones, provide written instructions to the pilots which list the steps that the crew must take. The instructions usually include some basic information on how to prepare the aircraft for the takeoff, including a description of any items that need to be added or removed, such as seatbelts, flight bags, or carry-on luggage.

They also tell the pilots how to prepare the various control systems, such as the flight control system and the autopilot, and give some information about how to fly the aircraft.

The instructions also tell the pilots how to handle medical emergencies, take-off and landing instructions and any maintenance issues. Some airlines have the instructions with them in the cockpit when they are practicing, but a copy of the instructions is usually placed near the pilots’ seats.

During the flight, the pilot will monitor the flight crew’s progress on the preflight checklist and will also monitor the cockpit crew. Some airlines allow the cabin crew to fly as part of a regular crew, while others require the flight crew to be certified pilots.

The main difference between an airline’s first and second officers is the degree of responsibility that each officer has in case of an emergency. The first officer is responsible for managing any issues with the aircraft, while the second officer is responsible for monitoring the flight crew, dealing with any passenger issues and assisting in any emergencies.

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Muqaddas Angela

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