The Finest On Bed Reading Books

Muqaddas Angela
5 min readFeb 4, 2022
On Bed Reading Books

For The Elderly And The Disabled, I’ve put this in one post instead of several so as not to be redundant — although that is probably the truth since it may be more helpful to read the comments in multiple posts than to see just the title and the post. I’m in the middle of a search for the Best Books For Bed. It isn’t even that I’m looking for a long read, as I’ll take anything within 5 pages that is light enough that it can be read from bed.

A short novel, the kind that would make a good bedside-table book for someone who likes to start reading at night in bed. I’ve found that the perfect book for that is, unfortunately, about as rare as a unicorn, and so I need a good recommendation or two. So I want books that I can read by the bed, either lying down or standing up.

The perfect book is one that has so many reasons to read it that I won’t even mind when it takes a long time to get to the end. I don’t want a lot of characters to keep track of, just a few that I can easily keep up with, and that can be read without getting too worn out. I’m trying to think of a book that I’d recommend (rather, the author of whom I’d recommend) to all of you, so that you’ll be able to read it if you like it, and so you won’t feel I was biased.

This isn’t supposed to be a list of books, but rather a list of the authors of books that have gotten a lot of good word of mouth and so have come up with a lot of recommendations. That’s what I thought — and that’s what I’m looking for. If you can help me out by recommending a few books, then I’ll post a final version that includes all the books that you’ve recommended to me. And here’s my shortlist:

1: The House at Riverton is another book written by C.W. Gortner (who also wrote the wonderful Aylwin) and is described as an adult retelling of Alice in Wonderland. I read it (the last time I remember), and it had a lot of characters, a lot of things happening, and not much time to read about it.

It’s another of those books that you want to read so that you know what happens, rather than read it so that it doesn’t turn out to be a different book to you. I have to admit to being disappointed when I finished it — but I enjoyed it, and the author has since published another novel, so I’ll try to remember.

If you think that you don’t have much time to read the literature for teenagers, then think again! Many of them are very interesting and worth your attention. This is how they can serve as reading material before falling asleep.

Read these Teenagers are busy all the time, so it’s quite impossible to read all of them. The thing is to read the best ones. A list of books which will make you fall asleep by reading

2. “The Catcher in the Rye” A. D.

Jameson is a 16-year-old boy who lives in the small town of New York. He doesn’t know how to adapt to modern life. He hates this so much that he doesn’t really care about his life or the life of his friends. On the first day of school, he takes part in the baseball game. In this game, he comes to terms with his school life and his problems. The story is about how his life develops.

3. “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay” A. S. (Andre)

Kavinsky and Sam Clay are two young illustrators who invent a special kind of superhero comics. These kinds of comics are called “superhero comics”. They have strange adventures and they get themselves involved in different events. On the first day of school, they create “Captain Sturdy”, a superhero. In school, they try to hide their relationship from their teachers. They face problems that lead to a real adventure.

4. “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” A. B. (Betty)

Smith writes about the Brooklyn of the 1930s. This is the world of a young girl who has been raised by her mother. At the age of 10, the young girl leaves the house and lives in a hostel for poor children. Her life doesn’t change much, but she comes across interesting people. She wants to live like other people, but there are some issues she must solve.

5. “The Hunger Games

In the future, society is divided into various districts, each of them having a special place in the government. Children are chosen to participate in the annual competition in a fight to the death. Katniss Everdeen takes part in the games. She wants to survive, but no one knows the rules of the game, so there’s nothing she can do. A. D. Jameson is a 16-year-old boy who lives in the small town of New York.

He doesn’t know how to adapt to modern life. He hates this so much that he doesn’t really care about his life or the life of his friends. On the first day of school, he takes part in the baseball game. In this game, he comes to terms with his school life and his problems. The story is about how his life develops.

As for the rest of you — if you like these books or haven’t read them and want to, feel free to comment and tell me why you’d recommend the book, or if you don’t like it and want to tell me why. You don’t need to say why you didn’t like it, but if you have a good reason to hate it (no matter how good the reviews seem to be), you might even get a few good recommendations out of it. If you could suggest any book that isn’t on the list that I’ve included here, please let me know, as I want to see what you think.



Muqaddas Angela

Welcome to my blog! I'm Muqaddas Angela, a passionate storyteller and observer of life's intricacies. Join me on this captivating journey of creativity.